Certainly Plum

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Here's hoping you all have had/are having a lovely day! My wish for you is that you are blissfully happy and totally in love with "the one" who puts a sparkle in your eye and a bounce in your step. 

I, on the other hand; have to join in and say Happy Single Awareness Day to those of you who are still single. LOL I have been single for quite a while, but am learning to not rush it and not to fret.

....Love comes when you least expect it.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Helpful Information

I was sitting in the doctor's office the other day flipping through a magazine and read an interesting article about women starting entreprenuership and it gave some great websites...

U.S Small Business Administration's Starting Up Assessment Tool- This site evaluates your skills, personal traits and experience. http://www.sba.gov/content/use-our-starting-assessment-tool

And for those of you who are female photographers...
WomanOwned.com - which provides startup information and networking assistance. http://www.womanowned.com/

National Association of Women Business Owners - which assists female entrepreneurs with long-term planning. http://www.nawbo.org/

Watch out for that train!!

Here is a bit of good info if you ever imagined and dreamed photographing on abandoned train tracks. Got this on Facebook from fellow photographer; Tonya Cozart of Tonya Cozart Photography.

"yup, I see photogs do it all the time, you are not even supposed to be "on the property" which is a significant amount of space. Does not matter if a train has been on the tracks yesterday or 50 years ago. I was at texas school of photography one year and the cops came in and arrested a photographer for his images. He submitted them for competition or something, and he was turned in and they came right in and got him. They can also issue tickets like [another poster] said, and yes, everyone gets in trouble, not just the photog. There is no way around it, there is no excuse. It is because the railroad is property owned by the rail road commission, it IS NOT public property in any way. No one but rail road personnel are supposed to be on the property. Too many injuries and deaths occur needlessly on RR, and they can be very dangerous. A train can be coming, the tracks can be unstable, the ground could give way underneath them, you could fall and cut yourself or worse on the metal, you could get an arm or leg caught in the railing, I could go on and on,...I just see so many photogs using tracks...this is why you need to be educated about your job, it is not just about the camera...."

Great points, Tonya! Check out her blog...she is an awesome photographer!
Facebook: Tonya Cozart Photography
Website: http://www.tonyacozart.com/